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DiSabatino CPA Blog

DiSabatino CPA Blog

A blog by Michael DiSabatino CPA with topics on Tax Savings, Business, Management and more...

Mike's weekly post usually concentrated on tax saving strategies.

Update your beneficiary designations

Update your beneficiary designations

Who have you designated as beneficiaries for your insurance policies and retirement accounts? If you can't remember, you're not alone. But it's worth checking. If you make the wrong decision, it could affect who inherits those assets. In some cases, it could also change the taxes your beneficiaries will pay and the value they'll receive. Here are some key facts about beneficiary designations.

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  65185 Hits

Supreme Court denies bankruptcy protection for inherited IRAs

Supreme Court denies bankruptcy protection for inherited IRAs

Your retirement funds are protected from creditors even if you file for bankruptcy, with only a few limitations. This protection extends to funds in all government-qualified pension plans, including IRAs (traditional and Roth), 401(k)s, 403(b)s, Keoghs, profit sharing, money purchase, and defined benefit plans. A recent U.S. Supreme Court decision has held, however, that an inherited IRA is not a "retirement fund" and therefore doesn't qualify for bankruptcy protection.

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  57020 Hits

Understanding Tax Terms: Flow Through Entities

Understanding Tax Terms: Flow Through Entities
What are they? Why should you care?

Small business owners have a number of options on how to organize their business for tax purposes. Many small, single owner, businesses are not incorporated, and are deemed "sole proprietors", in the eyes of the IRS. Other business entities, like C-Corporations, are taxed as a separate entity with distributions to owners taxed a second time as dividends. Still others are deemed "flow-through" entities like S-Corporations and Limited Liability Companies (LLC).

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  62564 Hits

Prizes - Yes they are Taxable!


The Taxability of Prizes
Think it is your lucky day?

When you win a prize there are really two winners; you and the taxing authorities. Should you be fortunate enough to win that trip of a lifetime to the French Riviera in your new yacht, here is what you need to know.

Prizes are taxable. Almost all prizes are taxable income. You report them on your income tax return as other income. This is the case whether your prize is cash, merchandise, or free services.

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  56748 Hits

IRS publishes 2015 tax numbers

IRS publishes 2015 tax numbers

Keep these numbers in mind when thinking about the 2015 tax year....

* SOCIAL SECURITY taxable wage limit increases from 2014 limit of $117,000 to $118,500 for 2015. Retirees under full retirement age can earn up to $15,720 without   losing benefits.

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  58843 Hits

Investors should be aware of inversions - the corporate ones

Investors should be aware of inversions

Not like the image here... Some U.S. companies are using corporate inversions to reduce their taxes. Investors in companies that do an inversion may find that their own taxes are increased.

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  50107 Hits

Missing a Form? Not an Excuse.

Are you missing a W2, 1099 or other tax form?

If you don’t receive a W-2 or 1099, is this a defense to protect yourself from not reporting the income during an audit?

In short, the answer is no. You are required to report your income whether your employer or customer filed the correct form or not. So what can you do to ensure you do not find an audit surprise in your future due to a simple omission of income from a report you did not receive? Here are some tips:

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  60112 Hits

IRS commissioner reveals major concerns

IRS commissioner reveals major concerns

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen recently discussed the major concerns the IRS has as it readies itself for the upcoming tax filing season. The proliferation of tax scams is a big concern with millions of taxpayers already having been taken in by scammers impersonating IRS agents. According to Koskinen, these scammers make threatening phone calls, trying to intimidate victims into providing personal financial information that can be used to steal identities.
A second area of concern is the IRS's involvement in handling the premium tax credits under the Affordable Care Act. Some taxpayers who were given advances on the credits based on income estimates may find that they may be receiving smaller refunds or owing the IRS money after filing their 2014 tax returns.

Please give us a call to discuss this or any of our other topics with you, so we can address your specific requirements.

DiSabatino CPA
Michael DiSabatino
651 Via Alondra Suite 715
Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone: 805-389-7300

This publication provides summary information regarding the subject matter at time of publishing. Please call with any questions on how this information may impact your situation. This material may not be published, rewritten or redistributed without permission, except as noted here.  All rights reserved.

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  61203 Hits

15 Year-end Tax Tips

15 Year-end Tax Tips

At the end of each year there are a number of things to consider that may have a positive impact on your tax obligation. Here is a list of fifteen ideas that may be worth a quick review.

  1. Make last minute charitable donations
  2. Review and maximize use of the $14,000 annual gift giving limit
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  61951 Hits

Don't forget to take your RMD

Don't forget to take your RMD

Did you celebrate your 70½th birthday in 2014? Do you have a traditional or rollover IRA? If both answers are yes, the deadline for taking the initial required minimum distribution from your retirement account is April 1, 2015.

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  56423 Hits

Happy Thanksgiving - Thank you!


DiSabatino CPA
Michael DiSabatino
651 Via Alondra Suite 715
Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone: 805-389-7300

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  50573 Hits

Pay attention to the IRS rules for charitable deductions

Pay attention to the IRS rules for charitable deductions

As the year draws to a close, you may decide to donate cash or property to one or more worthy causes. Besides the satisfaction of helping others, there's another reward for your benevolence: a tax deduction on your 2014 return. But the IRS recommends that you keep the following points in mind:

1. You may only deduct contributions made to a legitimate tax-exempt charitable organization.

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  63441 Hits

Four tips for organizing your finances

Four tips for organizing your finances

In our busy lives, it's sometimes tough to corral our financial records. Bills, paycheck stubs, tax returns, and bank statements can disappear into dusty attic corners and bulging desk drawers. Important insurance policies can hide out beneath bins of holiday ornaments and electrical supplies. Mortgage documents can sneak into old books or ensconce themselves in nooks and crannies throughout the house.

Take the time now to coax those papers out of hiding. Here are four suggestions for getting organized.

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  61863 Hits

2015 Social Security Benefits Announced

The Social Security Administration recently announced monthly social security and supplemental security income benefits (SSI) will increase in 2015 by 1.7%. This increase is based upon the Consumer Price Index over the past 12 months ending in September 2014. In addition, other figures based on the national average wage index will also be changed. A recap of the key amounts is outlined here:

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  69871 Hits

Don't lose out on the 2014 gift tax exclusion

Don't lose out on the 2014 gift tax exclusion

Time is running out for making 2014 tax-free gifts. You have only a few more months to use your annual gift tax exclusion for this year, or it's gone forever.

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  58302 Hits

Advance projections released for 2015 tax numbers

Advance projections released for 2015 tax numbers

Each year the IRS is required to make inflation adjustments to hundreds of tax numbers in the tax law. Advance projections of what some of the 2015 numbers will be have recently been published.

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  60526 Hits

Make time for a year-end tax review

Make time for a year-end tax review

Take some time to review your tax situation for 2014 while there are still a few months to make tax-cutting adjustments. With more of the Affordable Care Act going into effect for 2014, both individuals and businesses will find that an investment in a year-end review could make a significant difference in their final tax bill.

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  63200 Hits

Avoid these six mistakes in selling your business

Avoid these six mistakes in selling your business

Most entrepreneurs eventually think about selling their businesses, whether as a prelude to retirement or to pursue other activities. In doing so, they often underestimate the effort required for a satisfactory outcome and overestimate the value and salability of their enterprises. If you're contemplating selling, here are some common mistakes to avoid.

1. Overestimating the value of your business.

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  57919 Hits

Important reminder for employers - HEALTH CARE BENEFITS

Important reminder for employers - HEALTH CARE BENEFITS

A reminder to employers: Effective January 1 of this year, you may no longer

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  56591 Hits

W-2s, 1099s...and Now 1095-A

Are you prepared for this new IRS Form?

There will be a new tax form filling mailboxes beginning January, 2015. This Form 1095-A is a Health Insurance Marketplace Statement. If you participate in the Healthcare Marketplace, you will need this new form prior to filing your tax return. Here is what you need to know.


Each year the tax-filing season begins with the receipt of forms required to file your tax return. Employees receive W-2s from their employers. Individuals receive various 1099 forms for reporting interest, dividends, capital gains and independent earnings as sole proprietors. If you used the Healthcare Marketplace to purchase health insurance, you will now need your 1095-A form to file your tax return.

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  57552 Hits

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