It's possible that someone in your family will need assisted living care at some point in their life. This care can be at an assisted living facility, a nursing home, or in their own home. Often, assisted living care is expensive and not fully reimbursable by typical health insurance policies. Thankfully, there is a medical expense itemized deduction when the out-of-pocket amount exceeds 10 percent of your adjusted gross income.
DiSabatino CPA Blog
Despite what you may think, the marriage penalty is still alive and well. Whether you’re changing your filing status in 2019 because of marriage, divorce or another event (or it’s staying the same), you should review this information and plan accordingly.
Does your child, grandchild, or someone else you know need a place to live while attending college? Instead of renting a dorm or apartment, buying a condo or small house might make more sense. This can save money and provide tax breaks, but you need to do the math and be aware of the risks.
Suppose you own property you intend to transfer to your loved ones. Perhaps you are considering giving your children an ownership interest in your principal residence. Before you act, you should review the tax consequences of your decision. Specifically, tax law includes several provisions involving sales to related parties. As you might imagine, this covers relatives like your children, grandchildren and siblings, but it also applies to business entities you own. Here are four common situations you may encounter, and tips to help you avoid tax trouble:
The IRS remains on the lookout for tax scams that can blindside unsuspecting taxpayers. Now two variations of past scams are currently making the rounds. Here’s what you need to know:
One of the basics in retirement is to be as tax efficient with your income as possible. In 2019, income tax rates range from 0 to 37 percent, plus a potential 3.8 percent net investment tax. Understanding how these progressive tax rates apply to ordinary income creates a tremendous retirement planning opportunity.
When it comes to the perception of IRS audits, conjecture reigns supreme. The combination of the complex tax code and a government agency with the full authority to enforce it leads to some pretty wild ideas. Separating truth from fiction is an important exercise for everyone. Here are five audit myths that, if believed, can cost you during an audit:
Summer is usually the time for relaxing, but it can also be a time for tax savings, especially if you’re still reeling from an unexpectedly large tax bill in April. Here are four timely tips:
Despite what you may have heard from friends or family, you can still claim generous tax benefits for charitable contributions. Here are three prime examples of charitable tax breaks ripe for the picking if you know where to look:
If you have not already done so, now is the time to review your tax situation and make an estimated quarterly tax payment using Form 1040-ES. The second quarter due date is now here.
The savings limits for the ever-popular health savings accounts (HSA) are now set for 2020. The new limits are outlined here with current year amounts noted for comparison.
The IRS reported audit rates declined last year for the seventh year in a row and reached their lowest level since 2002. That’s good news for people who don’t like to be audited (which is everybody)!
But don’t get complacent. A closer look at the IRS data release reveals some audit pitfalls you should know about.
You can begin receiving your Social Security retirement benefit as early as age 62. But by putting off your benefit start date you can receive a check that is 8 percent higher for each year you delay receiving your benefit.
Summer brings warm weather, fun outdoor activities and new opportunities to earn some additional income. However, taxes on seasonal income need to be handled with care, whether they're related to your child’s first job or an extra income opportunity for you. Here are some tips to help you manage the taxes on your summer earnings:
There is a large tax break that allows you to exclude up to $250,000 ($500,000 married) in capital gains on the sale of your personal residence. But making the assumption that this gain exclusion will always keep you safe from tax can be a big mistake. Here is what you need to know:
Tax season is over and yet another tax return has been sent off to the government. But before you close that tax file, there is still some work to do. If the IRS or state revenue department selects your return for review, you will need to be prepared. Here is what you need to know:

Whether you receive a big refund or pay taxes on tax day, taking action now can ensure next year’s tax bill is optimized by not paying a dollar more than necessary.
With the individual tax-filing deadline on Monday, April 15, now is the time to complete all filing arrangements and payments. Ask yourself these six questions now before it’s too late to act:
If you have not already done so, now is the time to review your tax situation and make a 2019 estimated quarterly tax payment using Form 1040-ES. The first quarter due date is now here.
If you owe taxes on your 2018 tax return, the due date to make the payment is Monday, April 15. Miss this deadline by just one day and the IRS will charge you interest and penalties! Don’t risk adding unnecessary dollars to your tax bill. Review the payment options below and make a plan now to ensure your payment arrangements are completed before the deadline.