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DiSabatino CPA Blog

DiSabatino CPA Blog

A blog by Michael DiSabatino CPA with topics on Tax Savings, Business, Management and more...

Mike is the founder of the firm of Michael DiSabatino, CPA.  He produces this blog to keep his clients and friends informed of new tax laws, tax saving strategies, as well as, business tips. 

If you have a question or comment for Mike, please use our Contact Form to reach out for us.

AFRs - What is this and Why?

Your grandson needs a car, but cannot afford the payments. As a favor, you provide the $25,000 to purchase the car. You tell your grandson to pay you back when he can, but there is no loan document. The IRS sees this payment during an audit and asks you where your interest income is for this loan. Should this happen, you will quickly understand the meaning of AFRs.

Each month the IRS publishes a series of tables known as AFRs. So what are they and why should you care?

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  63386 Hits

Lock in write-offs at assisted living facilities

Lock in write-offs at assisted living facilities

Suppose that a family member has to move into an assisted living facility (ALF). Although nursing expenses are generally deductible as medical expenses, the lines can get blurred.

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  61943 Hits

Use Your Tax Refund to Fund Your IRA

If you're short on cash to fund an IRA contribution this year, Uncle Sam may effectively lend you the money.

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  62515 Hits

Capitalization vs. expensing

Capitalization vs. expensing

The new IRS regulations on capitalization vs expensing are complex. But the part of the regulations that concerns most small businesses makes it easier for them to comply.

Here's an overview of the safe harbor rules for small businesses.

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  54592 Hits


Are you considering donating an organ?  Although this is a very benevolent decision, currently, the federal government doesn't offer any tax deduction or credit for donating organs, such as kidneys to charity... but there is more...

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  46068 Hits

Pay more to fly

Pay more to fly. Beginning July 1, airline passengers will face higher fees. The Congressional budget agreement raises the aviation passenger security fee on travelers from $2.50 for each flight leg to a flat charge of $5.60 per one-way trip. This amounts to as much as an extra $6.20 for a round-trip nonstop flight, but just $1.20 more if a passenger changes planes on the inbound and outbound legs

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  53115 Hits

Tax News - Tid Bits

Room for improvement. A new report says the IRS needs to improve efficiency for telephone and correspondence services. According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), access to the IRS telephone help in 2013 remained at 68%, the same as it was in 2012. Also, unanswered paper correspondence that was more than 45 days old increased to 47% in 2013, up from 40% in 2012. (GAO-14-133, Dec. 2013)


IRS, phone home? The IRS is testing a program that allows staffers to access work email and other services on their personal smartphones. But the idea is not without risk. A new report from Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) points out that additional security is needed and recommends a thorough cost analysis to determine if the IRS should move forward with this concept. (TIGTA Ref. No. 2013- 20-108, 9124113)

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  61328 Hits

March 2014 Newsletter

  • IRS Announces Annual Scams
  • New IRS2GO Mobile App Announced
  • Are You Doing Your Bit?
  • Understanding the Bitcoin phenomena
  • Missing the Flow-through Deadline
  • The penalty that does not fit the crime
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  72526 Hits

Understanding Your Special K's

1099-Ks are now being subject to underreporting IRS audits

For the first time, the IRS is reporting that it will be comparing filed 1099-Ks against income reported on business tax returns (including those reported on 1040 Schedule C tax returns). Knowing how this impacts you can save you an unwanted IRS correspondence audit.

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  66818 Hits

When Filing a Tax Extension May Make Sense

While taxes owed are always due on or before the filing date of April 15th, taxpayers have the option of filing a tax extension that effectively moves their filing date to October 15th. Is this ever a good thing to do? Sometimes the answer is yes.

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  67284 Hits

California Income Tax: FTB Warns Taxpayers of New Scams

California—Income Tax: FTB Warns Taxpayers of New Scams

The California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) reminds income taxpayers to be wary of theft ploys involving scammers attempting to mimic the FTB to obtain access to personal information. The FTB has heard from taxpayers who received phone calls from scammers impersonating the Internal Revenue Service, telling the individuals that they owed taxes, and that if the taxes were not paid they would be arrested. These taxpayers were also told that the state of California would do the same.

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  62970 Hits

Business Start-Up Cost Write-Off

Deduct those start-up costs NOW!

If you started a new business venture in 2013, you may be in line for a special tax break for entrepreneurs.

DO THIS: Realize a fast write-off for "start-up costs." Normally, these business-related costs must be amortized over time, but you can take a current deduction for up to $5,000 of the qualified expenses.

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  71058 Hits

Do You Need to File a Tax Return?

Too many taxpayers assume they are not required to file a tax return and end up losing a potential refund. To help ensure this does not happen to you, here are some common things to help you decide whether a review of your situation is in order.

  1. Know the triggers. You are required to file a tax return based on your income, filing status, and age. If your income is above the amounts below, you are generally required to file a tax return.
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  66944 Hits

IRS Penalty for Lack of Health Insurance!


Do You Have a Sleeping Tax Penalty for 2014?


If you know someone who lacks health this!
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  66458 Hits

Will You Pay Medicare on Net Investment Income?

It's been coming for three years, but now the day of tax reckoning for higher-income investors has finally arrived.

Caution: For the first time, you may have to pay the 3.8% Medicare surtax on "net investment income" (Nii) on your 2013 tax return. The tax is computed on Form 8960, Net Investment Income Tax—Individuals, Estates, and Trusts.

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  58480 Hits

The AMT: Will this tax apply to you?

The AMT: Will this tax apply to you?

What's your alternative minimum tax (AMT) preference?

Though you might prefer to not think about the AMT, certain income and deductions, known as preference items, affect the way the tax will apply to you. Those amounts, along with others called "adjustments," are added to or subtracted from the income shown on your tax return to arrive at your AMT taxable income.

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  65210 Hits

Parents can cut taxes with child-related credits

Parents can cut taxes with child-related credits

Are you a parent? Give yourself some credit – a child-related tax credit, that is. Here are two that can reduce your 2013 federal income tax liability.

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  68661 Hits

Who must file a 2013 income tax return?

Who must file a 2013 income tax return?

The rules for filing 2013 tax returns are straightforward for most people. Marital status, age, and income level are generally the determining factors. Here's a quick overview of the income levels at which a 2013 return is required.

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  58634 Hits

How to maximize your tax deduction after a disaster strikes

How to maximize your tax deduction after a disaster strikes

Fire, flood, tornado. Violent weather can wreak emotional and financial havoc. If your home, vehicle, or other personal property is damaged or destroyed by a sudden, unexpected casualty, an itemized tax deduction may help ease the financial burden.

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  57904 Hits

IRS Identity Theft Season Begins Now

IRS Identity Theft Season Begins Now

Each year thieves try to steal billions in Federal Withholdings by stealing your identity. As the IRS focuses more attention on this quickly growing problem, now is the time of year to be extra vigilant.

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  65494 Hits

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